Hi, and welcome to the New Gamemaster Month program! New Gamemaster Month is January, and we’ll have our first session on January 7th. Why not right at the start of the month? Well, some people are still recovering from the holidays, or are super-busy returning to work or school. Others need a few days to settle into their New Year’s resolutions—becoming a GM might be one of them. And the 7th gives us plenty of time in January to run through the program, with the final session on the 30th—leading straight into the weekend of January 31st, which is when you’ll run your first game!
(That’s exciting—and maybe a bit scary. Don’t worry, we’re going to do everything you need to get you fully prepared. You’ll have a great time!)
OK, but it’s not January 7th yet, and you’re keen to get started. What can you do now? Here’s a quick list.
- Choose the game you’d like to run. There are several publishers participating this year, which means you can choose between several different RPGs. Regardless of which you choose, you’ll get step-by-step, specific instructions to prepare for that game. Which should you choose? Pick one that you’ve played before, or that you’re already a fan of, or that appeals to your passions. You can find links to the games under their tabs below, or on the New Gamemaster Month home page.
- Join the New Gamemaster Month Discord Server. This is a great place to talk to other prospective GMs, folk who have done this program in years past, and loads of experienced GMs who are on hand to answer questions and provide support and encouragement.
- Have a quick look at this web page (the one you’re reading right now). See those tabs just below this list? Feel free to click any of them. This is how each session of the program will be formatted: A general GMing lesson up here, where you’re currently reading, with great advice on the GMing process that applies to any game. Then tabs down below for each of the participating games, with specific instructions for preparing to run that game.
- Put January 7th on your calendar, so you’ll remember to return for the first session. And subscribe to the site (down at the bottom of this page), so you’ll get an update when each session is posted!
- Tell your friends! Post a link on Facebook, Bluesky, or wherever you socialize. Let people know about New Gamemaster Month. The more people who participate, the more GMs we’ll have out in the world!
If Numenera is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about Numenera, check out the Numenera website.
You’ll need a copy of Numenera Discovery for New Gamemaster Month. You can get it wherever you buy roleplaying games. If you purchase from the MCG Shop, you can get $10 off by using this coupon code at checkout: NewGamemasterMonth2025. It’s good for Numenera Discovery in print or PDF, or for the Numenera Corebook Slipcase Set (which includes Numenera Discovery along with its companion corebook, Numenera Destiny).
If Unknown Armies is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about Unknown Armies, check out the Atlas Games website.
If Trail of Cthulhu is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about Trail of Cthulhu, check out the Pelgrane Press website.
You’ll need a copy of Trail of Cthulhu for New Gamemaster Month. You can get it wherever you buy roleplaying games. If you purchase from the Pelgrane Press store, you can get $10 off by using this coupon code at checkout: NewGamemasterMonth2025.
If RuneQuest is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about RuneQuest, check out the Chaosium website.
You’ll need a copy of the RuneQuest Starter Set or RuneQuest core rules for New Gamemaster Month. You can get these titles wherever you buy roleplaying games. If you purchase from Chaosium.com, you will get 10% off your total order by using coupon code at checkout: NewGamemasterMonth2025. The code is valid through February, and can be used once per customer.
If Monster of the Week is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about Monster of the Week, check out the Evil Hat Productions website.
If Delta Green is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about Delta Green, check out the Delta Green website.
You’ll need a copy of Delta Green: Need to Know, the free quickstart rules that include an introductory scenario. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, a slipcase set with two hardback volumes, is available in stores worldwide. You can get it from the Arc Dream Publishing online store at $10 off during New Gamemaster Month by using the coupon code NewGamemasterMonth2025 at checkout.
If Savage Worlds is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first game. If you’d like to know more about Savage Worlds, check out the Savage Worlds website.
If Tales of the Valiant is your game of choice, this is where you’ll find specific instructions, each session, to prepare you for running your first ToV game. If you’d like to know more about Tales of the Valiant, check out the official ToV website.
For New Gamemaster Month, you will need a copy of the first core book, Tales of the Valiant: Player’s Guide. The Player’s Guide includes rules for 13 heroic base classes, lineages including elves and dwarves, and more from classic fantasy roleplaying. It has all the rules for being a player or GM in one volume. You can get 10% off the Players Guide by CLICKING HERE.
See you back here in January!